Much of our IT Consultancy is focused in the area of Capacity Management and we are able to undertake most tasks in this arena. We are also able to Project Manage larger assignments and where necessary provide consultants to fill Senior Management positions. We are hardware independent being able to provide these services and solutions across most major platforms including UNIX, IBM Mainframe, Linux and Microsoft Server and Desktop platforms.
Capacity Management Consultancy is a trading name of Capacity & Performance Solutions Ltd which was founded in 2002 by Leon Levy. Leon has been in the IT industry since 1983 and has been specialised in the Capacity Management field since 1986. The company is made up of a number of associations with highly experienced IT consultants and small IT consultancies who are also specialists in Capacity Management disciplines. All associates of CPSL are vetted to verify their level of knowledge and are generally senior consultants who have worked in IT for 10 years or more.